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Allied​ ​Bank​ ​Internet​ ​Banking: The UI Story

Allied Bank Internet Banking UI

Business Stories

Allied​ ​Bank​ ​Internet​ ​Banking: The UI Story

Allied bank offers internet banking services for its customers. They’re one of the toppers in banking business. We’ve tailored some good and bad sides of its interface and how it is impacting their business.

Good Sides

Online account is simple to open and easy to operate for frequent users of Internet banking.

It is quite convenient as we can easily pay our bills, can transfer funds between accounts,etc. We do not have to stand in a queue to pay off our bills; also we do not have to keep receipts of all the bills as we can now easily view our transactions.

It is available all the time, i.e. 24×7. We can perform our tasks from anywhere and at any time; even in night when the bank is closed or on holidays. The only thing we need to have is an active internet connection.

It is fast and efficient. Funds get transferred from one account to the other very fast.

We can also manage several accounts easily through Allied internet banking.

Through Allied Internet banking, we can keep an eye on our transactions and account balance all the time. This facility also keeps our account safe. This means that by the ease of monitoring our account at anytime, we can get to know about any fraudulent activity or threat to our account before it can pose our account to severe damage.

The UI of Allied Internet banking is clean and elegant in terms of color scheme, layout, and visibility of options.

Bad Sides

The person who is new to internet banking might find difficulty to adapt its features like Payee Management. As, many people do not know what is Payee and why it is needed etc. There is no description available for it.

We cannot have access to online banking if we don’t have an internet connection; thus without the availability of internet access, it may not be useful.

It sends OTP – one time password to only email which is not the good way for most users. As everyone has access to phone number more than the email.

Security of transactions is a big issue. Our account information might get hacked by unauthorized people over the internet. Password security is a must. After receiving our password, we memorize it otherwise our account may be misused by someone who gets to know our password inadvertently.

We cannot use it in routine because the bank’s server is down mostly.

Another issue is that sometimes it becomes difficult to note whether our transaction was successful or not. It may be due to the loss of net connectivity in between, or due to a slow connection, or the bank’s server is down.

Allied internet banking works at top speed with excellent speed internet connection only.

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Business Paragon Editorial Staff

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